Do I Really Need to Walk My Dog?

We all know that exercise is important -- for dogs and humans alike. Yet many pet owners think that having a backyard to play in is enough for our dogs. After all, they can run around in the yard, play, sleep in a shady spot, watch the neighbors and wildlife. It sounds like enough. And it IS a great start, as well as a wonderful resource on days we're not feeling well, the weather isn't safe for walking, or maybe we had an emergency that kept us from taking our daily walk. As important as I know walks to be, I certainly have been known to take my dog to a park on occasion when I'm just too exhausted for a romp in the woods. But usually, a visit to the park is in conjunction with our daily walk, not instead of. The Animal Foundation provides us with a short list along with explanations for why walking our dogs is important, and also offers suggestions in case our lives are too busy to consistently walk our dog ourselves. I do want to add that walks help create that all important bond between us and our best friends, that even playtime, while fun and important, can't quite create at the same level. The Foundation teaches us that:

  • Walking Provides Exercise and Mental Stimulation

  • Walking is Good for Your Dog’s Health

  • Walking Helps with Your Dog’s Socialization

  • Walking Your Dog is a Training Opportunity

I'm a strong advocate for dog walks, even if we can give our best friends lots of exercise in our yards or at a park. Yet as a pup parent and professional dog walker, I also understand all too well how challenging those walks can be, especially when our pooches just aren't that well behaved on leash. Start with short walks if this the case, and work on practicing patience with both your dog and yourself. And of course, a good, positive reinforcement trainer can be a great investment — as long as you follow through with what you learn.


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